(Spanish below)
Heavenly Father,
With grateful hearts for the selfless service of our shepherd, Bishop Nickless, of the Diocese of Sioux City, we humbly place our loving prayers at the foot of the cross. We humbly ask Jesus to intercede for a new bishop of our diocese, a man of sound body, mind and spirit to lead anew the Diocese of Sioux City.
Calling upon the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the diocese, and Pope Leo XIII, who established the Diocese of Sioux City in 1902, we ask them to help guide and direct the actions of the priest who is being summoned to be the next shepherd of our diocese. Come, Holy Spirit!
Dearest rosary pope (Leo XIII) and inspirer of the St. Michael prayer, protect us against the evils of our times and intercede for us! Please enlighten the pope, the apostolic nuncio and the members of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) assigned to commission the new bishop of the Diocese of Sioux City!
Show them the clear path to the priest who will lead anew the Diocese of Sioux City. May the priest who is to be chosen offer a resounding “yes” to the call.
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Pope Leo XIII, pray for us! We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!